Feel. Think. Express.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Was watching this documentary on the importance of myths in our lives. I am not good with remembering names. So will call him the person. The person seemed to know a lot about myths and stories from all the over the world. I listened as he explained, trying to make sense of it. I must admit most of it was beyond me; even stories that I have known all my life were explained to reveal deep metaphysical meaning. This was too much to take; I felt like some village idiot who had suddenly discovered that the stars were not distant light bulbs in the night sky.

I didn't like feeling like an idiot; I began to continue watching as I had little else to do. In the middle of it, out of nowhere, one of the actors asked if myths provided people with a meaning in life? This is getting interesting, I thought. I had spent a significant portion of my idle youth reading books I didn't understand, trying to make sense of life. I was convinced there must be a real purpose to life and it was hidden in some book tucked away in some corner, waiting to be read.

The person, without a pause, something you would expect when you consider the magnitude of the question, answered quite simply; a lot of people in the world believe that there is a purpose to life, but all they seek is the experience of life. And my head went Plinkoo.

The simplicity of it all. Why did I not see it? Why did I think a purpose would lift my life? All that I ever needed from life was to really feel alive. To feel. That is indeed a rare commodity in todays world.


Arjun said...

Experience Of life is a catalyst! Intelligent creators must be expecting something out of us, for all of us are doing our duties without fail(may be to serve some purpose or may be to earn money) and also enjoying life.

Anonymous said...

...world believe that there is a purpose to life, but all they seek is the experience of life.....

that was pretty cool! went bingo on my head .. btw.. ended up here from somewhere on orkut .. pretty gud vetti reading .. ciao