Feel. Think. Express.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ramki meets Wilma

Wilma (the hurricane and not Barney's wife) passed through Miami on Monday. Ramki decided to bunk it out at his friend's place. He ,after a long set of events, headed home last evening. His roommate told him power had been restored. Unfortunately for Ramki, power hadn't been restored, all the palm trees that formed the scenic view from his apartment window had been erased and the alligators in the nearby lake were having a wet t shirt contest.

By the time Ramki could take all this in, it was too late for him to head back to his friend's place again - there was a curfew in effect. If you ask, how long could it possibly take, consider this. Ramki on an average takes 3.45 minutes to decide on a can of milk and 2 minutes to pick out a loaf of bread. The both of us spent half an hour in publix buying tomatoes, green chillies and a bottle of port wine. We were walking up and down publix like the bunch of dodos in 'ice age'.

Hope he does ok. On a side note - Publix, the one next to Ramki's house, makes excellent Guava pastry and Colache. What is priceless is Ramki's spanish -he inists on talking to ladies at the snack bar and the counters in spanish. He tried teaching me some "mamasita" and it came out like "mama.....sita", two separate words; the first one being uncle in tamil and the second one being the better half of one of lord Vishnu's earthly incarnations.

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