Feel. Think. Express.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Think beyond

I get this scary thought. How real is our existence? While you read this blog, how sure are you that you are not dreaming about it, may be this blog does not even exist, what if your brain simulated such events and makes you feel that its all real? Or what if the events that are happening around you in the recent past(say 2 weeks) didnt happen at all? Think beyond!


Arun said...

i think u r 2 affected by the MATRIX, the movie!!!!!!

vikram said...

If it is all one big dream, why does it scare you? You are not alone in it.

LUCID – LINE said...

Arjun!! hahahahhhahah!!

What if u turn out to be crap..?? hahhaha!!!

But goooooooddddd!!!hhahha taught let me think and update u the outcome soon!