Feel. Think. Express.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I have always believed home was something physical, an attribution to a physical place. A place where you felt at home; where you felt right; where physical space and meaning produced a sense of well-being.

Having left home for distant shores, i had forgotten how it felt. Last week, i felt it again. And it was not because i went home again. It was because i went to visit old friends of mine. Old as in a comfortable pair of old leather shoes.

It was then it struck me. Home is not a physical space. It is to do with people. People - bonded to you by blood or just passing by - create that special place; in the space around you and in your head.

To the people who did that for me, my gratitude.


Unknown said...

i second your opinion da, rightly said. Home would feel right, if we are with the right people. Unfortunately, we all grow up, grow apart....break new grounds...and end up being nostalgic

Anonymous said...

Home is still a physical space. Yes, you need to have the right people around you to make home feel like heaven, however, it is still your home. A trip to a friends place is nice only fora few days...And you always feel great when ou get back home after a trip. Being at my brothers place this winter felt good, but I still felt good when I got back home.....

Am said...

Apart from being called 'old shoes' (I hope the emphasis on OLD is not so much), me & my much better half were more than happy to have you and Shivram over.

What makes any place special for a person are the memories tied to the place. Home / Favorite place usually tend to be places where one has the fondest memories.

We are glad that apart from us, you too have fond memories of this visit.

A & B

Indy said...

for the first time, u seem to have accepted u missed some "humans" - nice to know!!

vikram said...

Your profound insight into my nature is akin to the locational ability of a bat with an ear infection.

Indy said...

showing -off ur vocab again!! geez...whatever u said just flew way over my head n hit the wall!!

Anonymous said...

may be its not the vocab she is interested in..show her somethin else, something more geometrically aesthetic

SDR said...

nicely said.. home is after all where the heart is! it takes people to make a house a home.. not many realise it..

shivram said...

How delightfully poignant... I feel like I'm going to sob (yeah right, you wish!).

They say Home is where the Heart is (by that reasoning, can I assume that CLL feels like home to you?).

Indy said...

@wanksta ..
"geometrically aesthetic" - like a brain? something that you don't have?!

Anonymous said...

well indy, first of all the brain aint geometrically aesthetic; it is just a collection of tissue reminiscent of the buttocks (depends on which way you look at it i guess)
Secondly, if you do not second my opinion....you can KISS MY u know what...

ninetieschild said...

intersting. for me home is strictly a matter of the heart. (or the mind?)nevr mind i nevr actly feel at home anywhere but i know its all in my head.

Abhay said...

well said dude....but parents are a very BIG part of the "ppl" who make home a home......

am readin ur stuff for the first time, u write well buddy.